
Android Emulator For Windows Low Spec

If you have an old estimator or laptop with two core CPU and ii GB of RAM then this article is for you, this is what we telephone call a low-end PC, see, it'due south 2019 already and technology evolves and then fast, games that are being released every year require more than CPU speed and even more than RAM (viii/16 GB), not mentioning, of grade, the importance of GPUs, which is a critical component to run modernistic games with a good FPS and no lagging, I'one thousand sure you understand what I'm talking about, merely hey, don't frown, fifty-fifty though it's 2019 I even so recall of those people who live with a pocket-sized PC, people like yous who are not hardcore gamers or tech savvies.

I call up that in that location are two types of people who're reading this post right at present:

  1. An Android developer who'southward just starting out and doesn't take a large upkeep to buy a decent PC.
  2. An average user who has a low-end android mobile and wants to unleash himself and endeavor out sure apps on his low-end PC, Maybe in that location's a tertiary type I forgot to mention, yous tell me below in the comments :D.

Alert: Fifty-fifty though this commodity is intended to tell you about the all-time android emulators for low-finish PCs out there don't expect too much of a performance, eventually, you get what yous pay for, right? (No these software are not paid :D), what I mean is, endeavor to upgrade your PC as soon equally possible because like I said, the world is evolving buddy and you've got to keep up with the changes, so permit's swoop in…

P.S: Go along in mind that these programs are non listed in order. What I hateful is, number 1 doesn't necessarily mean information technology's the best one or vise versa (Although the starting time is the best 1 :D).

BlueStacks 4:


It's the nearly popular one amid all of the emulating programs out there with over 300+ million users all around the earth, their site also claims that it's 6 times faster than the Samsung Galaxy S9+, with such big claim I don't think information technology'southward suitable for low-end PCs, I know I know, so Shawky, why you lot're mentioning it anyway? Well…

Let's take a wait at the requirements, with the BlueStacks 4 released, information technology requires a basic Intel or AMD CPU with a minimum of 2GB of RAM and 4 GB of free disk space and also a decent graphics card if y'all're into games.

However, if you want to level information technology upwardly and have your gaming experience to a new level, check out the recommended requirements.

A minimum of multi-cadre Intel or AMD CPU with 6 GB of RAM (I know that'due south a lot), and also a much better graphics carte.

bluestacks Minimum system requirements


If you're interested in downloading it follow this link .

MEmu histrion:



MEmu role player is another android emulator that requires low requirements to run apps or games, if you lot check out their official website you lot'll notice that they focus on games more than anything else like most emulators out there, possibly because you don't need an emulator to run elementary apps that you can run easily on your telephone, correct? Anyway, here's the system requirements in guild to run MEmu player…

Merely like the i in a higher place you'll need a basic Intel or AMD CPU with a minimum of 2 GB of RAM in addition to a proficient graphics card to run games smoothly, I mean that's what yous want eventually if I'thousand not wrong.

But the recommended requirements are fashion higher than the minimum ones, it's because yous need an Intel Core i5 with 16GB of RAM. crazy, right?

Here are some of the features…

  • You tin play pop games.
  • You take the power to run more than one account or multiple games at the aforementioned fourth dimension.
  • It supports mouse, keyboard or even gamepad so you lot can play your favorite games with anything you want. (Play Freely :D)

You tin always head over to their weblog if yous're facing difficulties installing or running the software.

If you lot liked it, yous can download information technology here .




AndyRoid comes with a satisfaction rate of 4.6 / v which is keen, their website lists a lot of features merely first let'south talk virtually the system requirements…

Information technology requires a minimum of dual core CPU with 3 GB of ram, their FAQ folio says it uses less than ane GB of ram when running apps, I don't actually go this one but just in instance gear yourself upwards with a iii GB at least, it doesn't, notwithstanding, run on Windows XP (sorry guys merely you must upgrade shortly :D), so you should have at to the lowest degree Windows 7 SP1 in social club to install it, lastly your GPU should support OpenGL

No mention of recommended requirements but apparently the higher the better.

Now let's talk about the features…

  • Gratuitous (Duh!)
  • Supports both Windows and Mac
  • Multi-touch support
  • You can apply your telephone as a controller
  • Runs the latest version of Android
  • Sync between desktop and your phone
  • XBOX/PS controllers support
  • Photographic camera and microphone integration

The listing goes on and on, head over to their website to view the full features and to download , also brand sure to check their FAQ page if y'all have any questions.

Nox App Role player:

nox app player

With ii.two GHz CPU, 1.v GB of RAM you can run Nox app actor, it'due south also bachelor for Windows and Mac users, these were the minimum requirements, you outset to notice that getting more than RAM is a skillful thing to run these emulators smoothly.

I noticed a weird thing while I was doing my research, at that place're two sites that are claiming to be the official website for Nox app histrion, yous can sympathise what I'm talking almost past Googling information technology, anyway, this is a screenshot of its organisation requirements (I took from the official website, not the other 1 which looks unprofessional)

System Requirements of Nox App Player


permit's talk virtually the features of this emulator… (these features were taken from the unofficial website, I hope information technology also applies to the real software from the official 1)

  • Nox app player is based on Android iv.iv.2 Kernel
  • They claim it never freezes
  • Runs with the highest operation
  • The response speed is very fast and stable
  • Includes shaking features
  • Suitable for all kind of games

Other features from the official site:

  • Fast and Polish

  • Absolute Compatibility

  • Supports keyboard, gamepad, script recording, and multiple instances

Go alee and download it, looks promising 😀

Xamarin Android Actor:

Xamarin Android Player


OMG! I took a lot of fourth dimension to find the system requirements for this one, Android developers will exist much familiar with this ane every bit it's accompanied with the Microsoft visual studio, which is a software development environment where you tin can create mobile and desktop applications.

If y'all're just a junior Android developer who's simply starting out, y'all may find this suitable for you to try out your offset application which in your case tin can be a simple computer or a game ( the snake game if I'm non incorrect 😀 ).

Visual Studio 2017 System Requirements


Actually, these were the requirements to run Visual Studio 2017, I retrieve it's the same matter if I'thousand not mistaken.

Head over to this page to download it.

This was it guys, I know the list is short, I'll try to update in the future with more software, if you have any android emulator in mind please let me know beneath in the comments section, and if saw a broken link or any simply give me a heads up to fix it, and eventually if you want me to talk nigh annihilation related to the PC world, once again, let me know below.

Brand sure to visit the contact me page if you have any inquiries or visit the about me page to find out more than about me :D, Thanks.


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