With the release of God Of War less than a month abroad, fan anticipation couldn't be higher. With new trailers and news coming every day, both Sony and Santa Monica Studios aren't virtually to let that hype fade, today deciding to testify off just how detailed and immersive of an feel the game is going to be.

In a video released past Sony, the Director of Cinematography onGod of War, Dori Arazi, discusses the game'southward visuals and design, specifically what is described as the "Single-Shot Consequence," where the game comes across equally a completely immersive experience, void of cuts, errors or load screens.

Throughout the video, Arazi explains how the "Unmarried-Shot Upshot" came together and how difficult of a process it was. The video features backside-the-scenes footage showing how the move-capture actors needed to deliver their performance in basically ane take, all while Arazi followed them with the camera, careful not to make any mistakes.

Of course, that's only the first part. After the functioning was captured, the team had to create the game world perfectly around them. Arazi goes on to describe how difficult of a process this was, calling it a "herculean endeavor in communication" equally the visual teams and the cinematic teams needed to piece of work in harmony to create seamless transitions between cine and gameplay. Even from what nosotros know about the game'southward graphics and blueprint, that is an impressive feat.

God of War has no cuts or loading screens

Through all of this, Arazi explains why such methods were employed maxim that, "the player would never have experienced annihilation similar this before." Arazi states that, "When you combine a sense of documentary with a camera that doesn't cut, you get a very empathetic bespeak of view with the grapheme," again driving dwelling the importance of the game's emotional component to the overall feel.

All of this is undeniably impressive, particularly for a game likeGod of State of war. The series has become known for its large prepare-pieces and monstrous boss fights, then for such elements to exist presented without the hint of a load screen is definitely a feat. Now fans simply need to hope all of the work Arazi and theGod Of War team have put into this concept will bear witness successful.

Regardless,God Of War is shaping up to be quite the experience, non just for fans of the franchise but for casual gamers too, and with more sequels planned in the series following this new reimagining, it seems the franchise is here to stay for a while. Fans volition shortly get to decide whether this is a expert affair or not when the game releases next month just a smart person would bet its the onetime.

God of War is set to release on April 20, 2018 for PlayStation 4.